Sunday, November 18, 2012

Shadow work

shadows, dark and murky... those dark scary places that we tend to avoid. The areas that hold all our darkest fears, and deepest secrets. The place that we sweep all the things that we don't want to look at or deal with. Why? Why do we feel the need to be if not perfect, then at least good? Everywhere I turn lately I have been confronted with shadows, references to shadows, writings about shadows. Hmmm...think there is a message here? Well I decided there is and so I am on a journey to illuminate my shadows and chase away the fears. To explore my darker side and bring it to the light. To become whole. I must say that this seems like a daunting task and rather unpleasant. There are aspects of my personality that I have worked long and hard to bury and keep hidden. Not only from the world but myself as well. There is shame and fear and a feeling of loss of control as I begin this exploration of self. But if I do not do this then I will never be whole and will not be able to move forward. I will always be stuck in my present cycle of life. It would be so much easier if I could just say, " well it's not me" but deep inside it is. I may not have created what I am dealing with but some aspect of myself is there and being reflected back to me. There is so much good that I see, but I need to chase away the "demons" and bring light to the shadows in my life. For by bringing light, the shadows grow smaller and become less fearful. They lose power and I gain knowledge for they are here to teach me things I need to learn. To face my fears and accept me for all that i am. If I am to be truly accepting of others with all their glories and all their faults, do I not need to start with my own? What are my shodws you ask?

Well, loss of control is one. Fear of not being liked is another. fear of being selfish, fear of being overweight ( and I am), fear of being jealous, fear of being greedy or prideful. These are hard things to write, let alone admit to, but if I am to bring light to my shadows I must open the windows and air them out. and so begins my journey. I have a visit to Lorraine tomorrow and I have some reading to do. Probably some more journaling as well. I will try to keep you posted as my trip continues. If you wish to share I would love to hear from you as well.

In light and love!

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