Thursday, March 29, 2012

Shadows and Sunlight

SO I have been thinking a lot about shadows lately. And wondering when and why I started to stay in the shadows? I used to “dance in the sunlight” all the time. Why did I stop and why was it so hard to get started again? How many of us are hiding in the shadows?

Here are some of my thoughts…

In the shadows I am safe, protected, unnoticed. In the shadows I can hide and appear to conform to what I thought others expected of me. Not to say that there aren’t expectations, of course there are. I just wonder if they are not as rigid and concise as I believed them to be. There are some basic expectations we all need to live by of course, such as… Do No Harm (very important), and whatever you chose to do, Do Your Best. You know sort of the basic tenets of life. But what about the other things life beliefs and likes or dislikes?

As Children we have (or think we do) the freedom to express ourselves, to “dance in the sunlight”. AS we grow older, we still dance but with some restraint. Now we are given a set of parameters to dance within. We are taught the steps to the dance. A good thing to know so that we understand how society works.  But do we lose or take away too much freedom? Do we create boundaries and build walls because of fear? Do we do it to fit into society or is it out of fear? Fear of not fitting in, of not belonging, of being laughed at, of what others might say or think? It wasn’t so important when we were little, everyone just accepted everyone, so why now? Why and when did I become part of the “herd”? I don’t mean that in a derogatory way either. There is a certain amount of “herd” or community/family if you prefer that is necessary to live in society. But when did it start to rule our lives and choices?

I think it is a preservation technique that we learn in or about junior high. Peer pressure can be a powerful thing at times a wielded judiciously can be a good thing. But let’s face it in Junior high there was and is not a lot of thinking going on, it’s very hormonal. Some us still manage to walk to the beat of a different drum but not with out consequences. Some will continue out of defiance and some will simply be strong enough and the rest of us will come to heel out of fear.

The problem is the sunlight is always beckoning and it is hard to stay on the shadows. Eventually we will come back to “dance in the sunlight” if only for a few moments at a time. As I grow older I am starting to realize that many of the constraints set were my own. They were what I thought I was supposed to do, how I thought I was supposed to act. How I thought I was supposed to be so I could “fit in”. But I have always belonged (though it has taken awhile to realize that), Perhaps not where I thought I was Supposed to, but in my own way and in my own place. And by coming back to “dance in the sunlight” again, perhaps others will find me and join in the dance.

So Welcome back to the sunlight my friend(s)! If you need to stay in the shadows a little longer it is OK. And if you need to stay at the edge of that shadows that is ok too! I am here and waiting when you are ready to come and dance in light and love.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Wisdom from the woods

Have you ever walked in the woods and just felt? No thoughts, just feelings. What did you feel? Scared, happy, awe, reverence? I have at times felt all of these things; I think we all must at times. But how many of us are given the opportunity. How many of us take the woods for granted and just assume that everyone has access. I have and still do sometimes! I can’t imagine a life without trees around me.

Trees are and always have been my saving grace. They are my life line back to the earth and balance. I am by nature an earth child and the forests call to me. I love the oceans, and the mountains, but the trees are “home”.

They say that trees are memory keepers. I believe that! Think about it each ring of a tree captures the time in which it grows. It absorbs the air, the emotions and I believe even the thoughts that take place around it. It encloses it in a time capsule. These memories are just there, waiting… waiting for someone to come and share them to learn from them. But many of us have either forgotten how or are afraid to take the time to remember, to connect with the trees and share their memories and our own. Once upon a time this was a natural occurrence, sadly; not so much anymore.

Have you ever taken a second to talk to the trees? With word or thought or energy sent out through touch? What did you feel, hear, sense? They will answer if you wait for it. It will take some longer than others to answer they have been asleep/ignored longer. But if you have patience and love in your heart they will hear you. There is so much power/knowledge waiting there. It is sleeping, waiting…waiting for someone to care enough to stop and ask. I don’t “hear” the trees as in words, but I can feel them the share energy with me. If I send energy or thoughts of love to them, they send them back. I can tell when I or someone has been there before, the energy levels are higher and response is faster. I receive a burst of energy back that sends cold chills up and down my spine. And not the scary kind.

Next time you are near the trees just send out a thought. Such as “Hello, my friends” See if you get a response. Don’t be surprised if there is nothing the first couple of times, just keep putting it out there. When they realize that you are really there, they will respond. Remember some of them have been sleeping a very long time and they may think that you are just a pleasant memory, a dream.

Walk in peace my friends and have a bright day!

Monday, March 26, 2012

The Magick of my life

Well "Life with Me" has certainly become far less boring that it perhaps was in the begining. When I think of the trepidation with which I started this blog, I have to laugh. And the changes that have taken place since I decided to come out ot the "Broom Closet" have certainly been more than I ever expected. I guess it is all about what I was manifesting before versus what I am manifesting now.

Speaking of Manifesting... Today a good friend and I filled plastic eggs with intentions that we wish to manifest and with gratitude for what we have. I just finished hanging mine in the honeysuckle in front of the house. I have released them and into the Universe and now await the results. Some of which I have already seen. Just by sitting there with my friend and sharing them as we wrote them was empowering. I liked how she wrote hers better that my own wording but the intentions and the gratitude were there just the same.

And speaking of Gratitude... I have many, many things that I am thankful for. Not the least of which is my family and friends. We kind of laugh sometimes at the idea of a "glad: world as Pollyanna put it. But with a little bit of "Glad" anything is possible. I'm not sure if it is really about being positive all the time, I think it is more about finding enthusiasm for life. An enthusiasm for life is contagious and if you can find one thing to be "Glad" about, hang on to it and more will follow. Life will expand by leaps and bounds.

Life is... about journeys, and emotions, and growth and even death. Life is a choice we make everyday. How we will live it or not. How will we feel it or not. How will we grow with it and in it and through it, or not. And even how we let go (death) of ideals, thoughts, emotions, others and ourselves. My own journey is ever changing, rather like this blog. So by sharing, manifesting, and a little gratitude, "Life with Me" has certainly become a little less boring.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Don't you Believe in God?

Here is a question that I hear quite often lately. Don't you believe in God? Well yes. I just believe there is more than organized religion tells us. A professor once told a sister that that the Bible is a history of a people. And at the time I thought it an interesting statement, but not really much else. But as I got older and started searching for something, I couldn't find, I realised the validity of that statement. It is the history of a people, and as a history offers sooo much to us, But is it the whole story? For me it is not.

As I look around at life, I see that pretty much everything comes in pairs, Male and Female. Every species has a mate... Or  carries both within itself. So where was the feminine in religion? Hmmm, not much there, or I couldn't really find her playing a daily role. Then there was the argument was God male or female? Really??? So began my study of Wicca and Druidism. Ahhh, here she was! Now it seemes complete to me.

Please don't think that I am condemning religion, for I don't. I just wonder if it tells all? Perhaps it does, it's just for me it wan't complete, until I began walking My Path. No one single Path is right for every person. Each of us needs to find our own way to God, or Goddess, or Both. I believe that all Paths lead back to the beginning, to Source. if you will. It is just that each of us must find our own way there!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Happy Ostara

Well, tomorrow is the Spring Equinox or Ostara, or Alban Eiber; kind of sounds like Easter doesn’t it? Celebrated on the first day of spring (spring equinox), on or around the 21st of March, it is a time of Rebirth. We can celebrate the rebirth of the God. Sound familiar to you? Eggs and Hares are a symbol of this time. Life is hatching, and awakening into a new world. Spring is here, and day and night are in balance! New life and fresh beginnings surround us, as Earth celebrates with bright colors, fresh fragrances and the songs of birds... The cold gray days of winter are slowly disappearing and life is for celebrating. Here the Goddess is in the Maiden stage of her life and perceived as young and beautiful. She brings the warmth of the sun, the spring rains, and the flowers with her.
It is a time of new beginnings and growth, a good time for planting new ideas and goals. This year as I and my friends celebrate, we are "planting" positive intentions and goals for the coming year. The Spring has come early this year and while there is always the chance of a winter storm, nothing should last for any length of time at this point. Mother Nature has begun  her spring green up. Many of us have begun our "green up" as well. I spent the weekend cleaning up dog poo and trash that had apparently fallen out of vehicles or trash bags and been hidden in the snow. Raking away the dead grass where the snow is gone and slogging through puddles deep enough to drown my feet in. I have seen the first Robin, and heard the flies buzzing. Not long now and deep spring will be here with the crocus and daffodils blooming. My gardens are non existant any more as I am never home in the summer to tens them but soon I will be up to my elbows in my herb bed at the park. Yup! Spring is here and I am ready! Have a wonderful Ostara~

Sunday, March 18, 2012

St Patrick's day 2012

I was thinking about Irish blessings today, and thinking about how many of them there are. And  how wonderful they really are.  Have you ever really taken the time to listen to one. 
It is no wonder that we are so awed by the Celtic people. Through all the strife that they have lived with and survived, they can still find the beauty and the grace to provide us with a little Magick. A little poetry to brighten our day, a little magick to guide our way. They truly were the original keepers of the flame.
May the rains sweep gentle across your fields,
May the sun warm the land,
May every good seed you have planted bear fruit,
And late summer find you standing in fields of plenty.
I was thinking...if I took a moment everyday to utter one blessing, what would happen? Well for sure there would be one moment when I was in a beautiful place, emotionally and spiritually. The possibilities... of what it could do for my day are endless. How amazing that I have never realized before how special each one is. They are Magick! Each and every one is like a charm/spell meant to bring good fortune.  How about...
May your Pockets be heavy
and your hearts be light
May Good luck pursue you
both day and night
I am intrigued and thinking that this idea may need to be more thoroughly explored. You are all welcome to join me and let me know how it worked for you.

Wishing you always...
Walls for the wind,
A roof for the rain
And tea beside the fire.
Laughter to cheer you,
Those you love near you,
And all that your heart may desire
So whether you know one, or make one up; if you chance to read this please post, I would like to see how many I can find. And here is mine to you...
May the Universe bless you
and guide your way
May Love surround you every day
May the Elements guard you
by night and day
May you find strength to walk
your own path your own way

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Life and Drama

SO... here I sit with my book in hand. For some reason I thought that this would be the end of...something.?.However I find that this journey has taken a life of it's own and I am simply got go where it goes. I don't mean that I am just along for the ride, this journey requires a lot of participation. And I intend to participate in it to the fullest. I am not sure that I can say that I am completely in charge of this journey, I think there may be some forces of nature helping me along. I am in control of living it fully or retreating and hiding (again).

 I choose to live it!


 Someone said to me yesterday they are so tired of the drama in their lives. And I sort of jokingly (I thought) said, " I am done with drama! Drama has no place in my life any more! I am on the positivity wagon, and I intend to stay there!" Then I realized... Wow, I really meant that! It took me a minute to absorb it and accept that It really was. There has been so much drama in my life, my own and others that I have chosen to take on. I realized that I really had let it go. If it was someone elses. it was theirs and they needed to deal with it. I was tossing it out (so to speak) and had been for a while that is what I have been struggling with over the last few months. I had sort of shut myself off from any drama, become rather hermit like in chosing who what and where my interactions have been. And now I am ready to come out and play again!

This doesn't mean that I don't feel for others, their pain, anger and whatever. I simply choose, not to let it become part of me any more. I realized rather sadly, that this meant I might have to make some changes in my life. Nothing bad. Just simply that if the drama gets to be too much or goes on too long I may need to walk away until I or whoever, has dealt with that drama. Not to stay away forever, just until it is over or at least controlled.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Life lessons

So… it seemed like a good time to sit down and take a look at all the things I have learned in my life.  What have my life lessons been? What have they taught me?  How have they shaped me? So what have I learned in my life?
Here is what may be the most improtant lesson I learned.
 I have learned that people will only give to you, what you expect of them. If I expect others to live to a greater potential, most often they will. There may be one or two who fall short of my expectations, but  it won’t kill me. I might be disappointed, but I will live.  If you expect good from others, you will get good, if you expect bad, that is what you will get. Others sense when you believe in them and will work harder to prove you right. I suppose it is a form of the law of attraction, Like attracts like. This is especially true of children, they sense what you are saying behind your words. If you don’t believe what you are saying, then they won’t either. Don’t set your expectations so high that no one can reach them, be reasonable; but don’t set them so low that no one has to make an effort. The same is true for you self as well. Set attainable goals, and then strive to reach them.
This is a lesson I struggle with most often with myself. I don't set achievable goals and I get discouraged. Weight loss would be one of these struggles. Instead of setting a small goal that I can achieve in a reasonable time I shoot for the whole shebang and then become discouraged, and give up. So... it is time to begin again and tomorrow is a new day, smaller goals! Wish me luck!

Monday, March 12, 2012

a Loving nature?

Had an Awesome time at the Wellness Open House at Saytaloka in Lyndonville, yesterday. That was my very first Reiki Share. I enjoyed seeing Eric Breault with his energy and sound healing at work. And Damien Archembeau's Thai Massage was awesome to see as well. And as always Sali fills the room with her presence. Sali was busy most of the time giving readings, but got to join us for the Reiki share.

I am always amazed at the loving nature of people at these events. I don't know why? You couldn't be a healer and not have a loving nature. Could you imagine going to a healer that hated? It would have to be the most horrible experience. So it makes me stop to think... How often are we affecting our own healing by hanging on to unhappy thoughts or hate. I mean I know that I am supposed to let go of the past, to forgive it and release it. But do I ? really?

for the most part I would have top say yes, but there are some things I'm pretty sure I am still hanging on to. Petty stuff that has no place in my life. So while I am riding that "positivity wagon" I need to address this and work on it as well. How? I am not yet sure. That may be a discussion for later when I figure it out. I'm pretty sure to start with I need to go and see Lorraine. Lorraine LaJoie is an altenative healing therapist in Gorham, NH. She is such an outstanding healer and such a beautiful person.She is definitely a great example of a loving nature.  Just to walk into her space to to feel peace and acceptance. She has already helped me in so many ways both physically and emotionally, I am glad to have meet her. Well enough for tonight.

Blessings All!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

All Things must Change

Today my Tarot card was the Wheel - the wheel of life

"All things must Change".This card's meaning is change, and how I will deal with change. By my own actions I can change my life. I am not a prisoner of fate but an integral part of it, and it is a part of me. Life is not a dress rehearsal, it is the thing that is happening while I am waiting for it to begin.

This is very much like a piece from my book...

"To me being a witch involves living, now! You can’t wait for some future time; you have to live your life in this moment with awareness and happiness. Yes having goals and planning for the future is good, but if you live all of your time, for a future time, you are missing so much of life. It really is all about living and enjoying every moment as it happens."

Change is an everyday occurance. Change is growth and rebirth! Without change we grow stagnate and with stagnation comes death. Not necessarily physical death either, it can be the death of ideals, and beliefs. If nothing ever changed think how boring life would become. There would be no challenges to overcome, no mountains to climb, no accolades to win. The boredom would kill me. So good or bad I need to be at peace with it, Welcome it, and take contol of it; by controlling my actions and reactions.


Friday, March 9, 2012


Good morning!

Spent a lovely day on the truck on the truck with Michael yesterday. I enjoy the quiet time with him, even if the radio gets to me after awhile. I work through it. Spent some time reflecting on different things and one of them was perspective. Mine as oppposed to anyone elses, I came to this conclusion...

Just because I see life as an adventure, doesn't mean others see it in the same way. It was a rather sobering thought for a moment. But then I realized that I can't let other peoples perspective, affect how I feel about or live my life. While I need to respect and perhaps honor someone elses point of view (perspective) They need to respect mine in return. I need to respect mine. Oh, back to the respect thing. And that is the big point... I NEED TO RESPECT MINE!

So you are having a bad day, I can empathize, and offer sympathy but I can't let it become mine. I need to allow you your moment of whatever you need, but I can't take it on. I have spent a lot of time lately being "angry?" about how others bad days effect me. Why? Did they say to me, I hate the world and you need to too. I don't think so. I really can't think of one person, who has said to me, "Lisa, I am in a hole, could you be in one too?" I think I just simply decided that if they were so unhappy they didn't need my cheery dispositon always in their face, so I allowed myself to get down to. Dummy! I can be happy with out being in your face about it. Really, I need to get a grip! Should I go wallow in your pity party everyday, no because it will become mine. Should you come wallow in mine, when I have one, no. give me a day or two then kick me in the butt and tell me to do something about it. Well enough of that!

So..., dug thruough my cards this morning and today I pulled the 6 of Vessels - Reunion. hmmm

Now reunion means alot of different things, but for me it all boils down to getting back together. The question is what or who is getting back together. Here is what I decided it meant to me, today...

A meeting of myself, with myself or others that can/will bring about a rec...laiming of a missing piece(s) in my life. By coming to this "meeting" with a clearer understanding of me, and and acceptance (forgiveness) of old hurts, thoughts or whatever; what was lost can be resolved. I can put all of me back together. I will reclaim all my "missing parts" and become complete.

By letting go and reclaiming, I am also gaining and renewing, myself, my relationships and my life. Hence it is a Reunion and the cycle becomes complete and so do I.

Walk in love and light today my friends! I will.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Who is my Audience?

So last night I was part of (I listened to) a webinar by Author Keith Ogorek and it was really very good. But one of the Questions before you write a book, you are supposed to ask yourself, is who is my audience? And the answer can't be, Everyone! So Obviously, I have done this a little backwards since I wrote the book or it wrote me, before thinking about this. So... Who is my audience? My audience is obviously any one interested it things related to witches, but beyond that who is my target audience. So I thought about this, why did I write this book. Other than the fact that I just felt compelled. When I wrote it I remember thinking that there are many, many books out there on the mechanics of Wicca and Witches, but not so many who shared their heart. What was it (the journey), emotionally for them. I thought maybe someday, someone would read it and perhaps understand that my journey was only one of many on a spiral path. And that sometimes you have to step away from the "publically acceptable" and follow your own path. That you have to follow your heart to find fulfillment in life. That it is okay to question the status quo, and while it works for some, others of us just need more. That spirituality and religion are sometimes seperate things and that we all need to find our spirit.

So, in answer to the question...Who is my audience? My audience is anyone seeking, seeking to understand that there is more than one way to journey. That if you want to walk a different path it is ok. My Audience is those who want to knowthat no matter what path you walk there are rules and guidelines. some are just more personal than others. My Audience is those who are seeking Spirit and that need to know that you have to find Spirit in what ever form works for you and embrace it!

Walk in light my friends!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


What a lovely day outside. the sun is shining, the world is crisp and white, the sky is blue!
Today's Tarot card is the Nine of Bows - Respect.

So when someone mentions respect I automatically think of... how others respect or don't respect me. But what about respect for myself. Do I have it? if not, why not? this was a thought provoking idea. Wow, I'm not sure that I do respect myself all the time. Is that why I sometimes have issues with low self esteem? And how about respect for the world around me and others? I do much better here, As I sit here writing this I realize that it is much easier to respect others and the world around you than it is myself. When I have respect for my self, life goes smoother and I feel better, emotionally and physically. So does that mean that self doubt is actually a form of disrespect? I suspect that perhaps it is. At what point does being humble become self-effacing and disrespectful. An interesting thought that i may need to explore more. Okay, I definitely need to explore more.

If I am to continue on the path I have chosen; than I need to respect my own path before others can. And I do respect my own path, don't get me wrong, but I need to stop worrying about how others are going to react to me and just walk it.  I saw a quote the other day that said, " it is none of your business what other people think of you". At first I was irritated by that statement, but as I thought about it I realized how true it was. It doesn't matter what others think of me, it only matters what I think of myself and that I respect my thoughts and beliefs. ALL THE TIME! Self doubt has no place in my life, and why do I have self doubt? Is it taught. in your DNA or what? Well here and now I am putting it on notice, get out and stay out. I believe in me and myself. I RESPECT myself and my beliefs and I am worthy of that respect.

So on that note I leave you, and respectfully hope that you are having a wonderful day!

Monday, March 5, 2012


It is positively beautiful out side. It is crisp, cold and sunny! I am positively glad that I am inside and warm. Well at least for now, I will go out in it later to run errands and what not. Positive! that is my watch word right now. I am going to be positive ( even if it kills me). I noticed a while ago that I had gotten into a very negative slump. Well I and a friend, decided we needed to grab our selves by the boot straps and haul ourselves out of the swamp of negative and get going on the positive. Now that doesn't mean I am going to run around positively giddy all the time, although there is that possibility, I must admit that by nature I am usually an extremely happy person. Yes I am (gag,gag) one of those happy people. I can usually find enjoyment everywhere. That was why when I started wallowing (and yes I was wallowing), in a morass of negativity, I started to not feel well, I gained more weight( ugh) and lost all ambition! Sometimes I can be such an idiot! So ENOUGH of the negative... Time to find my happy space and get motivated! It REALLY is a beautiful day outside and the world awaits. I may have tea with my friend and I may visit my Dad. I will definitely spend some time with my husband. Whom I have decided I adore after all. Should hope so after 24 years together. And even if he choses to have a negative, day I may pretend that I can't hear it and go on. So today I am digging out my rose colored glasses and having a gorgeous day! Hope you all are having one too!

Sunday, March 4, 2012


Good Morning!

The sky is gray and there are flurries floating around rather lazily this morning. It is a quiet day right now, a time for reflection. So I pulled out the Tarot this morning to see where I am at right now. I got The Journey, The World Tree, and the Seven of Bows-Clearance. how oddly appropriate the cards were, as I flipped each one over I couldn't help but think. "I should have known". so let's explore them alittle...

PAST   The Journey- time to face the inevitable, to let the bones be laid bare, to face the deepest aspects of your fears and desires.Do not fear Change! It is a clearing of the past a letting go, so there is room for new growth and new ideas in your life.

There has been a lot of letting go here recently. I am letting go of and working daily on letting go of ... fear, control, and past hurt. I got lost for a while in all of this and the struggle to get through the day was overwhelming. With the help of a good friend (Sabrina) we are trying to keep each other on the "Positivity Wagon" We  both slip from time to time but usually a message or a visit gets things back on track.

PRESENT   The World Tree - The Universe and all it's blessings are available to anyone who seeks with a with a sincere heart, it;s knowledge and wisdom. Mo matter where the road has been or where it is going, if we keep searching, it is there. Now is the time to bathe in the light of renewal, attainment, and personal triumph!

OH YEA! My life is in such a good place right now! The Book is at the printers, it;s getting easier to stay on the positivity wagon, and my contract just arrive for my job at the Parks. Definitely time to enjoy all the positives in life right now.

FUTURE   Seven of Bows -Clearance- Change is coming, more change. Life is constantly changing, giving birth to new ideas, new ways of being and doing, new friends and many other possibilities. Change is hard if we allow it to be, but by allowing the change to take place as a prt of everyday life, and knowing that new and wonderful things are to come, By letting go of the old with reverence for what it gave us and gratitude, we can ease the change and prepare for the new with a welcoming heart!

 Ok, I will admit this makes me a little nervous, but also kind of excited. What is waiting around that next corner. There has been so much awesomeness in life that it can only be part of that continued forward momentum. Wow...

And I have added an author page to facebook, how cool is that?

So this is how my day has begun, the sun is starting to shine, the flurries are still lazily drifting around, and it may get warm enough to play on the snowshoes, we will see.

May everyone have a wonderful day! Bright Blessings to all.

Thursday, March 1, 2012


Ahh, the first of March and it is roaring like a lion out there. In here we are all snug and warm, a quiet day of house work and contemplation. Signed off on the cover and the galleys for the book yesterday, should be in production in 3 days and in print by the end of the Month. WOW! the excitement here is building. I am a little nervous and SO excited all at the same time! Life has definitely shifted in a new direction for me. And this is not a bad thing, but it is a little out of my comfort zone. The funny thing is I feel ready for it. Like It is time to spread my wings and soar.

I was thinking about all the changes coming my way... where am I going next. I know that there is more to be written although I haven't found what yet. I Idea of some type of classes has crossed my mind a couple of times. Finding a way to share knowledge. Not just my own but others as well. I don't know just rambling a bit, I guess.