Friday, March 9, 2012


Good morning!

Spent a lovely day on the truck on the truck with Michael yesterday. I enjoy the quiet time with him, even if the radio gets to me after awhile. I work through it. Spent some time reflecting on different things and one of them was perspective. Mine as oppposed to anyone elses, I came to this conclusion...

Just because I see life as an adventure, doesn't mean others see it in the same way. It was a rather sobering thought for a moment. But then I realized that I can't let other peoples perspective, affect how I feel about or live my life. While I need to respect and perhaps honor someone elses point of view (perspective) They need to respect mine in return. I need to respect mine. Oh, back to the respect thing. And that is the big point... I NEED TO RESPECT MINE!

So you are having a bad day, I can empathize, and offer sympathy but I can't let it become mine. I need to allow you your moment of whatever you need, but I can't take it on. I have spent a lot of time lately being "angry?" about how others bad days effect me. Why? Did they say to me, I hate the world and you need to too. I don't think so. I really can't think of one person, who has said to me, "Lisa, I am in a hole, could you be in one too?" I think I just simply decided that if they were so unhappy they didn't need my cheery dispositon always in their face, so I allowed myself to get down to. Dummy! I can be happy with out being in your face about it. Really, I need to get a grip! Should I go wallow in your pity party everyday, no because it will become mine. Should you come wallow in mine, when I have one, no. give me a day or two then kick me in the butt and tell me to do something about it. Well enough of that!

So..., dug thruough my cards this morning and today I pulled the 6 of Vessels - Reunion. hmmm

Now reunion means alot of different things, but for me it all boils down to getting back together. The question is what or who is getting back together. Here is what I decided it meant to me, today...

A meeting of myself, with myself or others that can/will bring about a rec...laiming of a missing piece(s) in my life. By coming to this "meeting" with a clearer understanding of me, and and acceptance (forgiveness) of old hurts, thoughts or whatever; what was lost can be resolved. I can put all of me back together. I will reclaim all my "missing parts" and become complete.

By letting go and reclaiming, I am also gaining and renewing, myself, my relationships and my life. Hence it is a Reunion and the cycle becomes complete and so do I.

Walk in love and light today my friends! I will.

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