Tuesday, March 6, 2012


What a lovely day outside. the sun is shining, the world is crisp and white, the sky is blue!
Today's Tarot card is the Nine of Bows - Respect.

So when someone mentions respect I automatically think of... how others respect or don't respect me. But what about respect for myself. Do I have it? if not, why not? this was a thought provoking idea. Wow, I'm not sure that I do respect myself all the time. Is that why I sometimes have issues with low self esteem? And how about respect for the world around me and others? I do much better here, As I sit here writing this I realize that it is much easier to respect others and the world around you than it is myself. When I have respect for my self, life goes smoother and I feel better, emotionally and physically. So does that mean that self doubt is actually a form of disrespect? I suspect that perhaps it is. At what point does being humble become self-effacing and disrespectful. An interesting thought that i may need to explore more. Okay, I definitely need to explore more.

If I am to continue on the path I have chosen; than I need to respect my own path before others can. And I do respect my own path, don't get me wrong, but I need to stop worrying about how others are going to react to me and just walk it.  I saw a quote the other day that said, " it is none of your business what other people think of you". At first I was irritated by that statement, but as I thought about it I realized how true it was. It doesn't matter what others think of me, it only matters what I think of myself and that I respect my thoughts and beliefs. ALL THE TIME! Self doubt has no place in my life, and why do I have self doubt? Is it taught. in your DNA or what? Well here and now I am putting it on notice, get out and stay out. I believe in me and myself. I RESPECT myself and my beliefs and I am worthy of that respect.

So on that note I leave you, and respectfully hope that you are having a wonderful day!

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