My Dearest Child,
The time has come to let go. It is time to let go of the hurt and anger. To let go of the pain of loss and allow yourself to heal. This is not to say that there will not come more times of hurt and anger, of sadness and loss, but it is time to let go of that which has already come and gone. Dear child I love as you are with all your greatness and all your faults. All of these things make you who you are, and who you are is special to me. Do not be afraid to admit that you are sad or hurt or angry, these are simply parts of life that come and go. Just as joy and happiness and laughter will come and go. My wish for you is that you will embrace all of these times in your life and let them just flow through and on. Do not hold them or hide them. Do not bury them, for then they will cause you more pain and grief. It is not wrong to feel them, they simply are, just let them be and let them go. HOLD ON TO THE JOY AND HAPPINESS! Your spirit is beautiful, as are you. You may not see this or even believe it, but listen to me I know, for you are my child and I love you. There is much greatness in you if you will only believe. Do not fear, that which has gone, or that yet to come, for I am always here with you. If you listen with your heart you will always hear me, even if I am not beside you. Find me, listen for me, for I love you and I am here, you have only to open your heart, and let me in. Remember always that you are a gift of love, and that you are loved, and most importantly that you are WORTHY of love. If you need someone to lean on I am here, simply call me and I will answer. If you have doubts remember that I believe in you until the doubts pass and you can believe in yourself again. My dearest child, it is time to let go. It is ok to let go, letting go doesn’t mean you will forget, it just means you are releasing the hurt. It is time to heal! The memories will remain but let the pain go, it is time to be whole again. Let it go my child. I love you and I will catch you, if you let me. Be at peace with life and be whole. My dearest child I love you now and forever. You are blessed and a blessing, remember that.
But mostly remember that I love you!
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