Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Season's Greetings

To all my Family and Friends;
May the Spirit of the season, find you safe and warm
contented and loved, happy and fulfilled.
No matter which holiday you may or may not celebrate
I send you Blessing and Good wishes
... Thank you for all that you are and will be

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Well it's been almost a month since I last wrote and while nothing has changed much, a lot has changed. Talk about a contradiction. I am now looking for a GOOD home for my dog. She is a one year old rescue, probably a Rhodesian Ridgeback. And while I love her to death, I don't have enough energy to give her the exercise she needs and I am tired of trying to keep everyone happy in my house. So rather than fighting about it anymore (even though it has been mostly a silent war) I have decided it is in her best interest and I hope eventually mine to find her a new home. She is the smartest dog I have ever owned, but she needs more than I seem able to give her. It is hard to admit failure, but I guess I am. Admitting failure that is. There is a lot of crying in my house right now. Me! I am trying to come to terms with it and just so desperately wish I knew I was doing the right thing.

Saturday, November 12, 2011


Not much on the schedule today. Dump, store, clean house. Should be an exciting day!

Friday, November 11, 2011

11-11-11 Veterans day

Okay so it is the end of Veterans Day. I'm not sure that it means the samething to this generation as it does to my Father's. It is funny how much things change. Men of my Dad's age look forward to the pomp and and ceremony of the remeberance and yet men of my husband's age seem to want to not be reminded. Perhaps that is the wrong choice of words. They did their duty, now don't discuss it; seems to be more in line.

First day blogging

Well, not sure any one will ever read this but seemed like the thing to do. I will try to post everyday, but we'll see how good I am with that. Just finished at the Park a couple of weeks ago and am still aclimating to being back home. It was such a good year and O made some awesome friends and meet some great people, the out look for nest year is tremendous. In a short while I will start working on plans for next year (visitor programs). That is my thing, what I do! I create and implement programs for campers to enjoy and Staff to participate in if they so choose. It is so much fun for me and I hope everyone else as well. Well there is the beginning and I will add more later.